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In Response to Caesar

>and some weird interactions in C4Movement,

I think I had that fixed. Still, the idea that precision might affect objects in different positions in the landscape differently scared me.

What I had implemented back then with floats was approx 1c, I think, and it didn't cause too many problems, even though I also had many functions like getting positions and rotations return floats. The only real bug I found was that you couldn't turn left on the boompack anymore because of a rounding error.
I also tried to have Sin(float) -> float, Sin(int, int, int) -> int, Sin(float, …) -> error, and similar, but these kind of things get awkward quickly. I would not recommend that, but I don't have a much better idea either…

(I'd be a fan of 1a if c4script were statically typed. I don't really have a preference.)

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