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In Response to Marky

>Do you maybe know why and when the vehicles stopped working? Would be good to fix that at some point

I did not bother to find out when this happened, but it is on the master branch, too. When the clonk looks for a target, it also asks whether it has a weapon for that  target. That function looks at the inventory of the clonk, but it does not take the vehicle into account, so the catapulteer never finds any targets.

>Could you test the windmill defense scenario, I did not find the time for that one yet (just play it once to test the airships).

Yep, still works.

I fixed the current problems and made som changes to logging. Please have a short look at it, and if everything is OK I will bring it back to the master branch. It is possible to merge the branch into master without pushing the custom branch?

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