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In Response to Maikel
I started working on a concept for cannons in the OC main repos. Currently we have the catapult and a normal cannon which can shoot objects. The catapult will stay as is but the cannon will be replaced by the new set of cannons. I so far scripted the new cannons but they are still work in progress. The idea is that they are mainly used in basemelees and defense rounds. Like in CR there will be cannons that can be mounted on frames, one of such frames is a vehicle that can be pushed around and another is currently on a defense tower I scripted.

Types of frames:
* Vehicle - vehicle on which a cannon can be mounted and can be pushed around.
* Defense Tower - cannon can be mounted on the top of the defense tower.
* Warship (possible idea) - cannons could be mounted on a larger type of airship.

Types of cannons:
* Artillery Cannon - like the current cannon, which can shoot all types of objects with gun powder.
* Crossbow - can shoot arrows, further than the bow.
* Gatling Gun - Shoots the same ammunition as the blunderbuss but at a much faster rate.
* Liquid Cannon - can be connected with a pump and shoot all types of liquid.
* Tesla Cannon - consumes power and can shoot strikes of lightning (WIP).

I have made two scenarios for testing, the first will hopefully be the 9th tutorial and the second is just a playground to test all the cannons.

Tutorial 9: explaining cannons
Cannon Test Scenario

Feedback and testing is much appreciated, but even better would be contributing the necessary graphics (see separate thread) and sounds.

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