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Up Topic Removing temperatures and seasons from the engine

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In Response to Marky
Yes, it really depends on what the scenario wants to do. We can rephrase the discussion to "change the implementation" of course.

In the arctic pack you had a global temperature and the clonk could warm up in structures. Falling into water made you cool down faster. Here, the only object that changes (its) temperature is the clonk.

In Clonk Mars there is a grid of temperature points for coordinate specific temperature. It is a sort of thermodynamics simulation, where ground, liquids, sky, and living beings change temperature at different rates. So, in a tunnel deep down you'd freeze, and near lava it gets hot. This is also influenced by sun radiation during the day.

Then, as I said, the fire system also uses some kind of temperature threshold for incinersting objects, and that isn't in the engine either. As a result we have several separate temperature systems.

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