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Up Topic Removing temperatures and seasons from the engine

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In Response to K-Pone

>I don't even know what that is. I guess a scenario that has you fighting on melting ice platforms?

The original version: yes. There are some variants that use other materials or textures than ice, but the way it works is pretty much the same. You simply have some ice platforms that melt away over the time and you try to kill your opponents with a grenade launcher with infinite ammo (at least that's the mode that is mostly played as of now).

>I don't want to break that scenario, so of course we would need to change everything in such a way that it still works.

Maybe there is a better way to solve this, even without temperature as an engine feature. I bet in hot ice you could also do this via script without producing too much lag as the map is not that big.

>Do you want to consciously decide that HotIce needs temperature settings, and possibly even control how the melting occurs?

Hot Ice requires melting or at least self destroying landscape in some way. We recently had one round that didn't have melting landscape, which resulted in players camping on high spots that are too far from each other to be able to hit the other player with the grenade launcher (except for a lucky shot with the launcher boosting the grenade with the windbag).

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