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Up Topic Basic functionality for switches

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In Response to Sven2
Looks great (assuming you tested the scenarios and the legacy call to SetStoneDoor). Some suggestions:
* The name Library_Mechanism isn't very descriptive. defines mechanism as "a system of parts working together in a machine" (i.e. Switch+Door combined could be a mechanism). I think you could simply call it Library_SwitchTarget? After all, the set-function in the switch is also called SetSwitchTarget.
* You have the function to flip the input in the target. I think it would be more convenient to have it in the switch instead. That way, you can have multiple switches control the same door, but using different directions.
* You do two callbacks when flipping the switch (OnInputSignalChanged and OnInputSignalSet). Remember that the first callback may have deleted the object. You should check for that.

Btw: While code reorganization is fine, I think it would be way cooler to have something new that the player can see! (like wires to connect switches and targets). See e.g. here: working backwards.

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