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Up Topic Basic functionality for switches

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In Response to Marky
Regarding spinwheels: Connecting them to doors makes sense, but otherwise I'd rather see them connected to something that has gears (mechanical connection), multiple states (the spin wheel being a "dial" here, or add a rope/chain to it and let it raise/lower things. Adding a wire to a spin wheel and then to a door feels strange - with a switch not so much.

Additionally, I want to achieve some kind of distinction between editor-placed objects and something that is built by the player ingame. It should be possible to place a door or pressure plate in the editor as they are. When building this as a player, I'd like it to be somewhat handy: The stone door should/could have an "end piece" below and above that stops it (or make it fit in with other objects in a good way?) The pressure plate should have some kind of depression that it can sink into by default. Settings such as weight, etc. could be done in the interaction menu. Furthermore, those objects should have a box/station that serves as a visual connection point for the wire next to it, because it would look strange if the wire went to the center of the door and moved with it.
There probably is a callback in the hammer, such as ConstructionEffects() that allows for such a distinction, right?

Further questions:
- IsHammerBuildable() should be sufficient for the object to come up in the construction menu, regardless of category, right?
- including Library_Structure is necessary only if I want the structure to have hitpoints & repair, or a basement, right?

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