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Up Topic 14 months, Christmas and the like.

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In Response to Luchs
I tried recreating the credits image with C4GUI now. Turns out there's plenty of space if you don't try to fit on 800x600 screens :)

Some issues with that solution:

- C4GUI::TextWindow first does line breaks, then applies formatting. This sometimes breaks the color tags.
- Aligning the titles properly is hard. I may have to hard-code the text width. (They are currently aligned relative to the largest title line in the image file.)
- The original credits image had tons of text shadow to make everything readable. This doesn't seem to be possible with in-game text rendering. I enabled the standard grey background instead, but that doesn't look great.
- C4GUI::TextWindow scrolls the title image together with the text which isn't quite what we want here. Not too bad though as everything seems to fit without scrolling on standard text sizes.


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