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In Response to ala
Molten Monarch and Thunderous Skies:
-They are both KoTH, and this game mode doesn't work with Teams well.
-you can kill your Team mates for kills, and be killed by them to save the half dead king
-the points are not added up
-both rounds are KoTH, but have different specific details of how this works (what the king does, how many points), this is not really clear in game and adds to confusion.
-the kill tracing doesn't work very well, especially if you hurt someone and they jump into the underground or in lava. A side effect of this is that people can kill themselves rather than giving you the kill.
-the maps are rather difficult to navigate
-getting weapons from chests is rather slow

And finally in Cauldron: I couldn't climb the top left ladder, because some pixel blocked the top.

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