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In Response to ala
The random petrification / depetrification of the Lava Dude (played in that Tower Level) is a bit frustrating, you never know when to jump.

This is actually the first time I saw the Lava Dude in action, I think we could make it a bit more valuable, suggestions for change:
-only make it petrify when outside of lava
-in turn, always enable walking on the shell side of the LavaDude
-Now make the lavadude move  around much less, maybe only floating on top of the lava and turning.

That way we can use it more Mario-like, to cross lava. The way it is now, furiously moving and randomly petrifying we cannot use it like that.

Also his attack:
-I would make it range further, but with much less damage, and without explosion. This way he would hit more often, but less crucial - and that way probably more fun for settling rounds, when you get somewhere near him.


The Mooq:
Doesn't use the sounds I made for the mooq.


Lava bubbles:
If they were smaller, they would probably look better.

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