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In Response to Clonkonaut
You really forget the time when talking about stuff. When I was done, I was very surprised this came out as 30 minutes long!

Typical spam email intro text

Well, yeah. A new release, a cool major feature. And it's very possible that new people do not immediately understand this Editor at all. And have no idea what developing for Clonk means! And to be hip and cool these days, you have to make tutorial videos!
But. I guess 30 minutes for just the first video is too much. Too much of an infodump here. Information that is not used right away and therefore of no further interest but still in the video. I tried to explain all details of the Editor and when watching it afterwards, I thought to myself, that it is not that important to understand every little detail. Like zoom factor or such.

So, I will do another attempt and streamline the video better. 10 minutes max is my goal, to just show how to open the Editor, the main tools and features and have a scenario created.

If you find the time, you can watch this and give me further feedback on how to go about this. Or tell me that I suck at this and should never do it again ever. Oh and by the way, the video is in German for all our German fanbase! But we should probably also do things in English.

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