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In Response to Marky

>Jumping is a bit strange, I think you tried to reimplement the fixed jump width from CR

Yes, I changed the acceleration for jumping, but I did not want to recreate the fixed width. This can be changed to OC jumping, no problem.

>When killing a Monster, it is a quite heavy throwing weapon. Perhaps also renaming it then to Death Monster/ Totes Monster would be better.

Hmm, so the monster becomes collectible after it is dead? Must be something that it inherits from my animal libraries. Thanks for the hint, I will remove that. The dead monster does not change the definition when dying, but adding the "Dead" prefix to its name should be possible.

>Is there a reason for the fixed zoom?

The zoom is not fixed, it goes from 1.0x to 2.0x, you can change it with F5 and F6. The main reason is that certain things have un-zoomed sprite graphics, such as the trees. If you zoom in too far they will look strange. I might remove the limits once all graphics have high resolution.

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