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Up Topic Experiment: Interaction Menu

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In Response to Maikel
Maybe we can also come up with some logical ordering for the side tabs. At the moment things do not make much sense at all, i.e. basements being not completely at the bottom. I think this also an important part of the menu. Suggestions we can test:

* If the clonk holds a vehicle. not the clonk is the first tab on the left but that vehicle, the selected tab on the right is a structure (to unload into) the clonk itself or surroundings. (This also needs that if the clonk holds a vehicle it can always interact with it, c.f. bounding box overlap issues).

* Basements and other stuff which can only be repaired are always last in the list.

* Buildings are always before vehicles, because you typically can only stand in front of one and when you do you typically want to interact with them.

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