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Up Topic [Project] Codename: Modern Combat

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In Response to Michael14
Again, these are general concepts that we created out of Clonk Rage development experiences and initial Open Clonk concept discussions and ingame tests with some basic stuff.

The main priorities for a first alpha build whould need to be decided on, if I had to guess, it whould be

* Selection times for items and weapons (depth to inventory managment)
* A basic form of weapon sway (depth to shooting)
* 1-2 weapons using the new systems, transfering damage values from CMC Rage as a basis as those have proven to be really solid balancewise
* Last Clonk Standing or Deathmatch as a first game mode (we are aware that Hold the Flag and other game modes are way more popular and fun, but we have to start somewhere easy, lets not get greedy)

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