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In Response to Caesar
So this just happened, OC is now installable via flatpak from flathub, (or, as a front-end, GNOME Software). For now, I'm shipping it without the scenario editor, because the flatpak sandbox breaks the file open dialogue (There is a thing called portals which can be used to access outside files, but that would require some work, since we need entire folders. I suppose at some point, I'll reactivate the editor, but deactivate the button, so you can at least still use it to join network editor rounds?) I'd be happy if someone besides me could take it for a test drive.
flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak install --user flathub org.openclonk.OpenClonk
flatpak run org.openclonk.OpenClonk

I'll see if I can find the time to write a blog post this week…

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