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Up Topic [Project] Codename: Modern Combat

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In Response to K-Pone

>so it whould make sense to have all voice-related sounds in English only, that whould cut voice work and required space in half without compromising players playing in German.

Localizing sounds wouldn't be that hard since you can use localized strings like Format("%sradiolostobjectivea*", "$language$") on sounds as well (or just put it into a global func that does this job of translating to localized strings so you don't have to put in Format all the time). Though, I do agree that it would increase the size of the package. How much it would, would depend on the number and lenght of the recordings, but as I know from Knüppeln, I have converted all the WAV sounds to much smaller OGG sounds and that reduced the filesize a lot (from something around 10 MB to ~1 MB). Anyway, we might see how big this is when all radio annoucements have been recorded and could then decide if we want additional german radios or just stay with english ones.

Anyhow, this sounds interesting to me.

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