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In Response to Produzilla
Hey, first thanks for the fast reply! I tried it again and the blender export now worked without any error messages. But there is a new problem :  When i put the mesh and skeleton file into the clonk.ocd ( still made a copy of it in an extra scenario) with simple overiding the original files, the model dosent work.. Ingame the clonk has no mesh and the engine logs this:

[23:34:11] WARNING: parameter 0 of call to 'SetMeshTransformation' passes int (array expected) (in GrappleHook.FxIntGrappleControlTimer, Objects.ocd\Items.ocd\Tools.ocd\GrappleBow.ocd\Hook.ocd\Script.c:330:47) [arg_type_mismatch]
[23:34:11] WARNING: parameter 0 of call to 'SetMeshTransformation' passes int (array expected) (in GrappleHook.FxIntGrappleControlTimer, Objects.ocd\Items.ocd\Tools.ocd\GrappleBow.ocd\Hook.ocd\Script.c:331:47) [arg_type_mismatch]
[23:34:11] WARNING: parameter 0 of call to 'SetMeshTransformation' passes int (array expected) (in GrappleHook.FxIntGrappleControlStop, Objects.ocd\Items.ocd\Tools.ocd\GrappleBow.ocd\Hook.ocd\Script.c:365:39) [arg_type_mismatch]
[23:34:11] WARNING: parameter 0 of call to 'SetMeshTransformation' passes int (array expected) (in GrappleHook.FxIntGrappleControlStop, Objects.ocd\Items.ocd\Tools.ocd\GrappleBow.ocd\Hook.ocd\Script.c:366:39) [arg_type_mismatch]

I just opend your blender file and exportet the files without any changes in the blender file.. Im wondering what i am doing wrong again.. or is it still my status as beta tester? ^^

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