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In Response to Luchs
Sorry if I made a wrong impression with my post - nothing is decided yet regarding the gamepad controls. Those that are in the 8.x release are just me assigning all the controls we have to the gamepad. They weren't exactly tested a lot, so opinions on how to do them better are welcome.

One part I was unsure with is how to best assign jumping. Unlike the keyboard controls, it needs to be a dedicated button, "joystick up" doesn't work. Most platformer games for console use one of the ABXY buttons. This is nice as long as running and jumping is all you do, but in OpenClonk, you frequently have to navigate the landscape while aiming a weapon or tool. With a standard gamepad grip, this means that both thumbs are on the joysticks, so there's no way to press ABXY at the same time. This is why I assigned jumping to joystick click, but I fear that this is a bit awkward to use and not very intuitive. Maybe you have a better idea on how to handle that?

Regarding the interaction menu, we have a thread on a possible redesign. It's about usability in general, but I think gamepad and keyboard controls for the menu that work better than point-and-click with the mouse are closely related to that.

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