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Up Topic Experiment: Interaction Menu

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In Response to Flinti
I think that this iteration definitely improves the interaction menu. Some suggestions:

- I do not like the position of the container names, I just get confused whether they are below or above the corresponding icon. Imho the names should be contained inside the borders, to the left or right of the icon
- The headings ("Inventory", "Production", ...) should be more obvious (There is no way of changing font weight, is there?). Maybe one could use borders for structuring this (see the bad mockup just below)

Another thing I'd like to mention is the way it is (and used to be like that in the past) shown that a particular item in the inventory has an inventory itself. I think just showing a chest without any visual indication that the chest is not an actual item is quite a bad solution, it even looks exactly like a chest, not even grayed out or something like that. A player not used to that just assumes the chest to be an actual item. I suggest indicating that by using borders to visually seperate the items. One could even use a grayed out version of the icon of a chest as a background for the item's inventory slot (even better, one could design borders that make the item inside them look like it were put into an actual frame).

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