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In Response to Zapper
Random order:

>Idea: the menu could grow in size by the content that needs to be displayed.

The left and right part could shrink down dynamically (that would show you the same stuff as the transparent versions), but I don't think it would be helpful if the description box (or generally, large parts of the menu) jumped around randomly. In Clonk your environment is not static

>(and the clonk is centered in the free half)

That would probably at least break when we have splitscreen back - and I also think it's not a wise choice in general (because it makes the menu interactions slower (more scrolling))

>Couldn't the tabs be moved to the top (also this is a more standard location for tabs)

That doesn't work as well with the mouse wheel and there is a lot less space for horizontal text

>- Imo there is to much usage of shadows, different colours per row and borders at the same time. I'd reduce that to just colours and maybe spacing between the rows (instead of borders).

Yeah, true. I think I made the background of the title a darker tone to make the text have higher contrast

>"Damage: not damaged" certainly also reads quite verbose.

I think I had the text overlay the progress bar in the first iteration - but the row will be 2em height anyway (because of the button/icon on the left), so it wouldn't save space and I decided against it

>Or, why not do it like many other games do and show the slots?

That wouldn't work with a lorry (or generally, any other container than a Clonk). And most of the time it's not 100% clear whether 40xArrow occupies one slot or two.

>Regarding the box at the bottom, isn't this something that could best be displayed (and often is in other games) as some kind of tooltip?

Yeah, that would be a rather huge tooltip though.
I am kind of a fan of how additional info is always available (even forcefully) for new players in Clonk, because the game is just so confusing. But it might be wort a try optionally being able to hide the box by default and enable it e.g. by Alt+Clicking on an item or pressing a key or something..

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