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In Response to Luchs

>Has it become obsolete?

No, c4group should be included in the Windows snapshot. Isilkor?

In any case, you can download individual executables (including c4group) directly from AppVeyor.

For Linux, it's more complicated because the AppImage format has just one entry point. So while c4group is (I think) included, there's no direct way of launching it. We'll have to think of a solution there (another AppImage, or maybe static linking with musl as c4group has few dependencies). It will probably be a separate download then.

>Is the .oc* (un-)packaging process any different from earlier, where it's simply swapping magic bytes and then zip/unzip?

It's still pretty much the same as in CR. Unpacking is fairly easy, but packing has always been more involved because you have to order the files correctly.

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