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Up Topic Ambitions / Future of OC?

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In Response to Clonkonaut
Rewriting everything is a very ambitious project indeed since Clonk has collected so many features over the years. I don't really know if it's worth the cost.

It is true that especially Objects.ocd when compared to Object.c4d is more tailored towards itself. Even so we tried to make it more open and more adaptable, over the years we added so many intertwining features that things became less modular. Many of these features are either convenience features or systems working together. I don't think that is was the wrong direction to take, however, making additions has became more challenging.

As for things that are a different game altogether: yes, I think those are best made not with OC. Back in the day, Clonk was special because it offered an easy engine to play around with. But with so many game making tools out there, Clonk lost this special flavour.

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