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Up Topic Item textures overhaul

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In Response to Clonkonaut
I played around with brightening the item textures and are also looking to tying together the objects we have in our game. Personally, I'd still like to see pluto's appraoch being done (and have asked him for the files).
I therefore used the wood texture from there, so it's an orangy wood and made the metal brighter and bluish. I attach a test scenario in which I replaced the textures for the hammer, shovel, pickaxe, sickle and axe (only the ones lying around, not in your inventory so you can see the difference). I also like to have items stand out a bit more in front of material this way.
In addition, I want to smooth out the occasional oddity like the hammer's material having just 64% lighting.

But before doing more work on this, I wanted to ask people's opinion. Keeping in mind that graphics and art style are often highly subjective topics. But I believe we could benefit from having everything ingame looking a bit more like it was made from the same base materials.

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