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Up Topic Patch: Fix double MatCount update when using ClearFreeRect

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In Response to Jan
- Start Gold Rush
- Run /script GetMaterialCount(Material("Gold"))
- The output is a positive, non-zero integer
- Run /script ClearFreeRect(0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight())
- Run /script GetMaterialCount(Material("Gold"))
- The expected output is 0, but the actual output is the same as the output of the first call but with a negative sign

The commit that introduced the bug is
ClearFreeRect calls _SetPix2 (ClearFreeRect -> ClearPix -> SetPix2 -> _SetPix2) and _SetPix2 updates MatCount. PrepareChange/FinishChange then update MatCount again by calling UpdateMatCnt(), which results in the pixels being removed from MatCount twice.

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