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In Response to Apfelclonk
With the recent-"ish" landscape texture updates, I think OC has partly become very beautful. But concerning the visual style there are two things which really bother me and make everything not feeling belonging together:

1) The lighting of the meshes, especially with the hard shadows mismatching the style of the landscape gives it the feeling of a sandbox prototype (or an indie game). Probably a simplistic and colorfull palette with shadows not being darker than  a certain percentage (like 40% of midtone) would solve this issue.
2) The general way how meshes are read visually. Some meshes have some very intricate design with thin details, which don't render well in my eyes. A general bold style leaning towards the general shape being a square, worked in my opinion always the best clonk, the way there visually interact with landscape, but also physics-wise. If combined with the a visual hierarchy of primary and secondary feature, would probably help "reading" the shapes of a mesh and therefore make the visuals in general enjoyable.

I always wanted to adjust the "missing" models, but I really lack some skills to make them profoundly better. In a general movement to contribute to OpenClonk i might actually try, if I am not alone.

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