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In Response to manuelclonk
Although I do not play much Clonk anymore, I'd also like to give some feedback.
Contrary to most of the people in this thread, I think from a technical perspective, the game is fine (Splitscreen is missing though). The problem is more that gameplay and the process to generate own scenarios and objects has become quite complicated compared to the old Clonk series. A few things:

* All of the 5 people I know who played clonk played settlement melees over LAN or splitscreen only and usually generated their own maps. The openclonk scenario editor is better, BUT it takes to long to generate a scenario. Currently you basically take away the possibility to generate custom maps for beginners. Maybe add an addional simple in-game editor in the main menu "[Custom Map]", where you just select rules  and goal (Melee, Goldmine, etc.), choose one of 30 predefined or random generated landscapes, drag player start positions on the map, set buyable objects, set animals in the map and click START. The map does not need to be saved at all, in case someone wants to save the map, it can be saved in game using the respective save option.

* Generating animated 3D graphics for Clonk was like rocket science :D

* Splitscreen is missing :(

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