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In Response to J. J.
I am with you... two parts missing from OC are ease of development and the random map gen that was so fun in CR.

Clonk was awesome, because it was a party game, it made playing with tons of friends on the same PC easy and just fun... Most people have a PC so this isn't a big issue for me, but it has impact.

I still love open clonk. And the main issue here is with how hard it is to make content for it. I don't have any issues with the look of OC. The Items that are in OC are already better than CR. The bow is more fun, digging is more fun, mining is more fun, bombs are more  fun, the clonk is more fun, buildings are about the same but have their own charm, lighting stuff and fog of war is better in OC, the blimp is awesome, elevators are awesome. The content that is here is beautiful, we just need more of it to fill out the game and give a bit more verity. That is where the development hang ups are so hard to see, and it really centers around the dev tools being a somewhat of a mess (3D graphics are like rocket science for OC right now).

I don't want to see OC die, but if we do start again... make it easy on the devs. Keep the tools centralized and easy to work with. Optimally, make a built in editor that does it all (or make it at least easy to import models), and isn't too massive to package with the game.

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