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Up Topic State of the project

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In Response to ShaiShap
Hello everyone, I'm in the process of launching a new blog about FOSS games, and I'm trying to get some idea of the status and future plans of some of the most mature FOSS game projects (starting with side-scrolling games as a pilot). I see in the previous ("Are you still there") thread in this forum that the OpenClonk development has probably seen better days, but that there are still people who might be interested in working on it if given enough motivation. Is that still the case? I'd love if anyone still involved can help me understand a few things:

1. Is there any accepted roadmap of what future development of OpenClonk should include? The version number 8.1 is a bit confusing, for most FOSS games I see a version less than 1 and ask what would it take to complete it, but if you're in version 8.1 - do you consider the game complete? Otherwise, do you have any idea of what would it take to complete it? Or do you see it as an eternally progressing project that should never really be out of development?

2. Is there anything that could be done to restart some development in this game? Maybe if some renewed interest and requests from [new] players comes up?

3. Since the project is already far more advanced than almost every other FOSS game project, would you like to share some details and tips about how it worked so well so far? I think I heard that this was originally a commercial project that got open sourced? (your homepage has an "about" link that promises to talk about the project history, but it leads to a wiki that appears to be broken).

Just to add - personally I have not heard about OpenClonk until starting to do the research for my upcoming blog, and I was quite surprised when I saw it, it looks really good (at least from the little I've played so far, mostly the tutorials). I think there can still be a bright future ahead for it.

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