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In Response to Clonk-Karl

> I guess if one can freely set the length without having the limitations like in the Graphics.png of actually having to supply all the animation steps as images, then your implementation is already doing exactly what I was suggesting.

Yeah, you can set Length to whatever value you like when using a mesh. This basically defines how fast the animation is played (and if you use Delay=0, then it just defines the granularity).

> Mh, if we think about multiple animations at the same time, we should think about the future of the ActMap in general as this was and is mainly used for animation.

It is also used for procedures.
You are of course free not to set an animation in the ActMap and use the scripting interface only. Currently, actions are then still used for procedures and transition between actions (e.g. Walk->Jump if a clonk loses ground under its feet), though.

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