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Up Topic [Model] Wipf :]

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In Response to Newton
Whoa, the texture looks great, UV mapping is done flawlessly too! Soo cute! How did you do the fur?

I think we only need a texture in the size of something like max. 256x256 for the ingame object. It can't be bad to have it bigger in the resources folder though.
How I calculate what size the texture should have minimum:
Three times the original size of the ingame object - for the wipf this should be not more than ca. 64x64. Because the texture is mapped not only on the side but also on the top, front, back, other side etc. I multiply it roughly (less than) the number of sides from where it can be seen. Four 64x64 fit into 128x128, this should be about enough.
Now, nobody cares two hoots about if the texture is actually more detailed than it has to be. Just a quick note than you could save a little bit of that kind of work if you want to.

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