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In Response to Randrian
Ok, I missunderstood you I think. I have assigned the faces of the trousers of the clonk a new texture named Overlay.png (which is a grayscale version of the texture I had before). That means every part of the clonk is just drawn with one texture. The clonk with the color version, the trousers with the grayscale version, which can be coloured in the players color.

The perhaps better (or easier) method would be to draw the clonk with two textures. One in colors for the normal pars and one transparent expect an area with represents the overlay. That's the method I mentioned in the post, cause I thought you wanted to implement the first method.

Then you just need a graphic with everything transparent, except the trousers?

I hope I have expressed me a bit clearer now.

Edit: Commited new texture and overlay now. I hope this is now what you expected.

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