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In Response to Randrian
VoilĂ  new walk behavior in the mesh branch. When not moving, the clonk plays a stand animations. When moving slowly he walks, when moving fast, he runs. And the animations are blended smoothly. Well, it would be more fun, when we merge the default into mesh, so we could have this acceleration, so the Clonk actually uses walk (now he just starts to run).

Also for the different jump animations it would perhaps be good, to have the new jump behavior from default in mesh.

The throwanimations may look nice, but for throwing while moving (run or jump) we'll still need the old-style "throw-in" animation, or force to halt when throwing.

Another important thing we need is "attaching" things to the clonk. For example for digging the clonk needs to hold the shovel. For the firearm-animation he has to be able to hold a weapon. Well ck, that should be your task I think. Perhaps we need to discuss a bit how this should be done. My idea is to have a bone in the clonk's animation named tool1 or something like that and via script you can attach another mesh (or the meshes bone 'main' or something like that) to that bone.

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