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In Response to Clonk-Karl
I have implemented this. The final functions look like this:

int AttachMesh(id mesh, string parentbone, string childbone, [opt] int scale);
bool DetachMesh(int attachnumber);

AttachMesh returns nil if some error occurred, or a positive integer otherwise which can be supplied to DetachMesh to remove the mesh again. Meshes also can be attached recursively, and attached meshes can play animations, but there is no C4Script interface for that functionality yet. scale can be used to scale the attached mesh by a constant factor (in case the child mesh was modelled at a different scale than the parent mesh was). 1000 means no scale, 500 makes it half as big, 2000 doubles its size.

It might also make sense to allow arbitrary transformations, for example to attach a bone to another one with a fixed offset and/or rotation.

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