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Up Topic Elevators, Lifts, and Ropeways

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In Response to TheBuilder
sort of sevn, though u make elevators and lifts separatly, and u can connect them together with the ropeways, but remember, to do this it would be best to have just ONE kind of case for all of them, and this case would have to have atteatchment or watever that would hint at/show/signafy that it can move across all three devices.

by teh way, when u come to one of the two junctions, elevator/ropeway or lift/ropeway, could simply make it so that u press the corressponding directional button to switch devices; ropeway to lift=up, ropeway to elevator=down, elevator/lift to ropeway=left/right.

Im not sure if this would conflict with any previous control scheme for these devices, but im sure u guys could come up with something that works.

By the way, a clonk walking on the ground would obviously be able to pass right through a case that is on a ropeway without colliding with it, would only be able to get on at a junction or at a ropeway on/off station.

Cant wait to see if u guys make it so.

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