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Up Topic Some discussion about controls

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In Response to Asmageddon
Reasumming this discussion we could make two control schemes:
-Scheme 1:
LMB - A item use
RMB - B item use
Ctrl+LMB - A item throw
Ctrl+RMB - B item throw
Shift+LMB - A item secondary use
Shift+RMB - B item secondary use
And for people with four or more mouse buttons:
-Scheme 2:
LMB - A item use
RMB - B item use
3MB - A item secondary use
4MB - B item secondary use
Shift/Ctrl+LMB - A item use
Shift/Ctrl+RMB - B item use
Or we could just use the first scheme with third and fourth buttons ALSO be secondary use...

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