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In Response to TheBuilder
Just wonderin if it be okay if i started writing up a list of possible production teirs like;
teir one: ore/rock/trees
teir two: metal bars/brick/wood logs
teir three: metal plates,sheets/concrete/rough wood planks
teir four: super metal/granite/2x4s

I could also write down my thoughts on wat to call the buildings that would change one material into another

(id post pics but i have to use my school labtop since my home computer got the Worm.Windows virus)

Was gonna wait till later to post this but i had time to killl waitin for the shark to go away in Deep from FraWorlds, XD
     Crap!, now theres two of them! :(
(By the way, figure out a way to kill sharks other than buring them or dropping flints on them.)

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