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Up Topic [Concept][Object] Catapult

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In Response to AlteredARMOR

> the catapult won't work like this

You forgot another remark:
There is absoulutely NO force which will make the moving part move UPWARDS, thus it will always stay at the lowest point. I have two ideas on how to fix this... I could draw sketches for both of them but I wouldn't (better I fix it right away and show an already complete model).

> The arm must be longer

I tried to make the counterweight part longer but in that case it would collide with with the supporting framework (the X part). It can be avoided by increasing the height of the construction (though some experimentation is needed).

> The wheels must have mor polygons

Luckily it can be fixed in no time :-) The question is how many angles? 16? 24? 32? (currently there are 8 as you can see)

> could also be bigger and more rock-shaped

As for bigger see above (longer arm). As for rock-shape... What about polycount? Already made it as low as possible and it will certainly increase after all modifications which are to be made (for example, crank will give additional (2 + 8) + 8 * (4 + 21) = 50 faces).

> cutting or untangling of the rope

At first I thought about a locking cog which is released by pressing the lever but then I realized that we probably do not need such a detailed representation so lets stick to the "rope variant".

Thanks for productive criticism (I really appreciate that)

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