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In Response to Caesar

>Also, this.

Well. The article is basically true, but it forgets that there are habits. I personally don't have to decide which button I take when I leave my PC. I decided that long ago. And I don't want the device to be smarter then me. Okay, it would be fine if it was, but in most cases something is described as smart, it has an nerving unconfigurable behavior, because the designer could not think of or merge all the possibilities.

Now for scenario options, it's basically the same: You will play around with the options a bit, and then you have one or two modes you like. (I can nearly start Forsak IV - DM(~70) - Insta blind. And Forsak offers at least 2^8 different rule combinations.) And even if there are no options IN the scenario, do you want to limit the scenario amount? I think we could reduce the "FooBar - Fastmana - Imbamode - ByBlubb"-problem at least a bit with options...

Another thing: Those options should be 'meaningful'. I don't think it's good to let the player choose which value a flint has, and if it explodes with a rade of 30 or 31 pixels..

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