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Up Topic Capture the Wipf

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In Response to DarkEagle
Here you go: I started to work on this scenario. Unfortanely I won't be able to do further work on it for several weeks/months, so everyone who wants to complete it is very welcome.

What is done right now:
Basic stuff is working, goal places a golden wipf which needs to be collected (actually not, but be near it). Once that happens, the goal creates the next golden wipf, and so on. Players get points for collecting a golden wipf. An arrow indicates the position of the wipf.

What needs to be done:
- my scripting may not that handsome, feel free to reform that
- I didn't work out what happens when a player collects a particular number of wipfs
- Amout of loam the scenario should be adjusted (way more I think)
- lorries and huts with objects to use in it (flints, loam, weapons?, jar of winds?, catapult!!)
- decoration, scen looks kinda weird right now
- better graphic for golden wipf and goal (!!!)
- Scoreboard
- support for Teams?
- ...

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