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In Response to Asmageddon
Which brings us to another thing I tought of once. To be specific - that each object would have a 2d collision 'mesh', that is calculated into terrain collision map for collision checks. On other hand it would require some algorythm to make objects not self-collide. But that could be usefull for defining hitboxes for many objects, eventually clonks as well. Maybe we could use these for marking entrances as well. This way we would have few areas, that can not only be rectangular/anchor based as they are now, but:
Hitboxes - for checking collisions, two types of these - projecticle-only hitboxes and "fully material" ones.
Entrances - two types as well - one for clonks/etc. and second for objects flying in(like lorry)
Other - that for example execute script when something is inside, etc. could save up much work sometimes.

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