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In Response to AlteredARMOR
I do not know, really. If it happened for me to implement ingame physics I would do it another way. we have a lot of forces that affect the object:
1) gravitational force;
2) friction force (air/water resistance included);
3) support reation force if object is lying on the ground;
4) liquid ejection force if object is emerged in water/lava/acid;
5) elasticihty force if object is hanging on a rope;
6) impact force if object was thrown/kicked/shot;
7) rotational force if we put it THAT far...
And a whole bunch of other forces.
So if I was implementing ingame physics I would consider all these forces in resulting acceleration calculation (and yeah, it can not be done without vectors, because every force has a direction aside from value). So maybe it is good that I do not actually implement anything.

Do not get me wrong: I like the ideas you've posted at the beginning of the topic. But I do not think that their implementation worth the efforts I've stated above (in that question I totally agree with Maikel). If you want to impelement it simple way (like you already said), I am not going to stop or criticise you (not a chance). And I am definitely not the person who should share his thoughts concerning the ingame physics. (In fact I think that it was completely wrong for me to write anything in this thread in the first place). Sorry.

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