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Up Topic [Concept][Object] Catapult

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In Response to AlteredARMOR
My thoughts about polycount reduction:
1) The catapult is not an airship. It is a complex mechanism which should not only work but actually look like it can work. So there are small detailes there which can not be removed that easily (like crank, lever, axis and so on).
2) The reduction of polycount can be achieved by simplifying things. For example, insted of 3-dimensional crank we can have a mere sprite (the same was done for the hook to which the rope should tie) which will greately reduce the polycount. The lever can also be introduced like a single sprite... The question is: which objects are safe to simplify in such way and which are not (for instance, the wheels will definitely look weird if they have no dimension).
3) I thought that catapult will be rendered not only from one side (lets say, left), but from another (right) side as well. So there are no "rear" polygons actually which can be safely removed
4) I have never implemented a 3D-object into the game and do not know which polycount is allowable there. So it is rather difficult to guess how the final model should look. Nevertheless I was hoping to recieve some remarks from more experience members of the community there are a lot of improvements which can be done.
5) ...I've heard briefely about 4->3 transformation but didn't have any information considering this issue.
6) After all, wheels CAN have less polys. I'll see what I can do

My thoughts about texturing:
1) When I thought about identical parts it was too late - I've already posted a message.
2) Anyway I was not hoping that in would be approved right away. I fact I knew that some remerks would certainly be received.
3) I would probably make another UV-map after further polycount reduction.

So thanks for the remarks. I really appreciate that.

EDIT: Right now I am working on polycount reduction. Think that improved model will be right away in a day or two.

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