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In Response to Atomclonk
I think, Battlefield Bad Company 2 is again the perfect example for my explanations. ;)
Even, if you don't win the game, or have a Kill/Death-ratio lower than 1, you get rewarded for some sublte things like healing a squad member or assisting a kill by spotting an enemy.
After a game you think yourself: "Damn, I've given everything, I didn't even played this bad. But He was just a bit better than me and now he has 50 points more than me."
The league just punishes everyone who looses, it doesn't matter how good he actually played. Some API for melees or so would be nice, like DoLeaguePoints(), which gives for some actions points. Some admins are testing the comitted scenario (don't say, you don't have the time to do something like this, there are always some thrustworthy persons) and they could say: "Hey, you get for this or this too much points" or "You should do this in another way." (Weird idea) But sven2 wants a league that is some kind of automatic and now, nothing will change at all...

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