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In Response to Atomclonk
Sorry about that, but I wanted just to give an example. You can also have "Forsak IV" or "Stylands" ... or players.

But now another important questions appears: For which audience do we want to make Clonk? Sure, all the clonk titles were rated 6 by the USK and sure, we all were infants back then. But playing Clonk online is something, where you need to have some social skills, because you aren't this anonymous, like playing some other MMORPG. You see, Minecraft is a game thats as cuddly as our clonks (in this special way, you know :o) ). But the community is way bigger than ours (~200-300 Players online at once) and it seems, that the developer of the game did propaganda, which mostly attracted adolescent or mature persons.

And now theres my true question: If younger players need a system that's more "fun" than "fair" (you don't loose points/get more) and if oldbies prefer a "fair" system, what do you choose?

PS: Oh god... you should put this post somewhere else. :S

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