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In Response to zagabar
If there is a world where magic exists, then it makes perfect sense that magic could heal wounds. It is not farfetched either since people are used by the concept. However, healing by eating bread makes no sense at all on any level. If the bread heals because it is magical, then it is a very farfetched and forced situation. I have never ever had the though that the food that heals me in games is magical. I have just thought "omg, another weird game where food heals... lame...".

Even so, both of the situations (potion drinking and food eating) to get health is very common and I guess they are acceptable for a game. They are not at all neither unique or interesting. Both are EXTREMELY common and bland. I believe there is other more interesting stuff to be done with a game on the gain-health-part. There got to be some interesting ideas that has not been used like 1000 times. It could be elaborated on in many ways and differ between game modes (depending on what complexity the game is supposed to have in the end).

For example, one could have a game mode or scenario where health is much more valuable. No more insta heal in the houses or potions that fills your health bar. Then battles have to be fought more carefully with real considerations on the losses, because those are really going to be losses. Every lost HP (or every damaged HP on the enemy) is critical. This way of playing works with slow regen too. For an example of this in game, try the pack E.P.I.C for clonk rage. There the only way to heal is by resting in an apothecary and wait.

Another way to make it unique and interesting is to have no HP at all. Only a system where the clonk starts in the condition of having full health. Then different damages can affect him in different ways. Among others, killing him (example: Dwarf fortress. There are no HP at all in that game). This also allows the gameplay to take new routes that hasn't been explored as much. The whole HP way of doing it has been pretty explored by all kinds of games in all kinds of genres(half-life, zelda, diablo II, etc...), so it is pretty hard to make something new there.

It seems to me that often when games are made, developers tend to get stuck in already used concepts that are somehow automatically forced into a game by default, not even considering to do it in some way different. Sure, it gives games that works, but for me at least, it is not enough. I would rather encourage attempts to create really innovative games with fresch unused ideas than creating some semi-clone of other games that are so similar to everyting else that they are forgotten as soon as next semi-clone with slightly better graphics is released.

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