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In Response to zagabar
Yep, of course it has to be fun. And my point is that IMO old ideas are running out of fun. New concepts that are well planned with thoughts behind them can be really fun, trust me.

>And btw, does it matter, why you get HP?

I guess it depends on the person who is playing, so it entirely has to do with subjectivity on this point.

>Why do you accept magic, but not healing food?

I accept magic becuase it gives an explanation. Magic can heal by using magical energy that exists in that world. That is simply how magic works. Food does not work this way.

>If you accept magic in fluids, why don't you accept that it could be in bakery?

I never said I didn't. If you somehow pointed out in the game that the bread and bakery is magical, then it would make all sense, but IMO it isn't really common to take for granted in games that food is magical.

>(PS: I'm not really going to reply to the answers to these questions. Or this will get huge.)

I don't really understand why this discussion appeared in the first place. I was just expressing my very personal opinion on what I think about healing foods in games. If you don't agree, it is completely fine on my side.

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