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In Response to Zapper
I don't really get your intention - do you want to prevent "pros" from playing with "newbies"?
A suggestion I made sometime (and I think Peter had already though of a similar idea back then?) was that the points you win and lose become less when the difference between your and your enemies' points is too high. For example:
Player A: 2000, Player B: 40
Currently: Player A: Win: 0, Lose :alot; Player B: Win: alot Lose: 0
In my system both would win / lose nothing since they are just too far from each other. The intention is the following: You could _always_ host a game with league enabled. Either a player of your level plays with you and you have a more or less fair game (nearly same win/lose gain/loss) or only players far above you join and you wouldn't lose/win a lot of points at all. You wouldnt have to be afraid anymore that a good player with only very few points totally defeats you and you lose all your points or even that a newbie has his lucky day, wins, and you loose like half of your points.
If a player wanted to really get a lot higher with his points he would have to fight players of his own level and not just play games against very low players which he is sure to win anyway.
In that way the system would still show the players current strength (since it is still ELO) but would reduce the danger of totally unfair games a lot, imo

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