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Up Topic Landscape Coordinates <=> GUI Coordinates

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In Response to Newton
Hmm, right. Now I see your point and I have to admit that there is a design fault. The backpack button gets the current GUI mouse position and just creates the ring menu at that position. But you are right, this is not possible for any other call to CreateRingMenu because the gui cursor position is just not known during e.g. ControlUse.

The interface of the ringmenu should look like CreateRingMenu(object menuobject, object controlobject) because the ringmenu should always be created at the cursor position but can also be created at any time in any script. Somehow, The ring menu needs a way to retrieve the cursors gui position right in place, the solution of a property of a button to send gui-coordinates/cursor coordinates does not suffice here.

So ATM it is really not possible to create a correct ring menu at the right position and to make it possible will require engine changes. Sven, what do you say to this, how can this be solved?

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