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Up Topic Cannon - Gunpowder Requirement

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In Response to Newton
For both cases here how I can imagine how it can work comfortabily for the player to use it:

  1. ControlUse: Aim. On ControlUseStop, show ring menu with clonk's contents to select which item to shoot (close menu for none)

  2. Clonk has a gunpowder barrel in its contents which has different graphics for a different count of possible cannon shots possible with it. (Number should be something between 10 and 30) On start of usage, the cannon checks like the bow if it has a gunpowder barrel as Contents(0). If not, he searches the clonk for it and transfers the barrel automatically. Otherwise, if the cannon doesn't have a gunpowder barrel and the clonk doesn't have a gunpowder barrel, the cannon cannot be used. The rest is the same as 1, only that the gunpowder barrel is showed in the ExtraSlot of the cannon in the action bar.

Actually, I could very well live with both options as long as we move away from one material = one shot. Both options are comfortable to use.

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