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Up Topic Cannon - Gunpowder Requirement

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In Response to Ringwaul
Well, I have made a powder keg. Currently, it holds 12 powder. It can be loaded into the cannon and the cannon will automatically retrieve black powder from the keg to fire. Alternatively, the player can take powder out of the keg for whatever other purposes (ie: producing musket-ammo) via ControlUse(). If the player does not need powder he has taken out, he may drop the keg and throw the powder back into it.

Also, some other fun things: when ignited, the keg will have a stronger explosion based on the amount of powder currently inside it. When the keg is emptied out, it becomes a normal barrel (used to construct powder kegs -- now with 3D graphics!). This is another point I would like to ask about: I was thinking the powder keg should require only one sulphur and one coal (besides a barrel to put it in). Is this a reasonable amount? This will make gunpowder very abundant and require much less micromanaging of constantly digging up resources to continue battle.

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